MIBST School 2025 Dates: Beet End 6/3-6/13/2025 * Sugar End 7/15-7/25/2025 * Ag School 6/23-6/26/2025 * Engineer School 10/27-10/30/2025

Kimberly Curly Top Nursery 2024

May1 The commercial and genetics areas were fertilized on April 20 and planted on May 1.
June4 The stand looks good. The field got cultivated June 3 and alleyways were cut. Hopper release is scheduled for June 18.
June19 The hand weeding crew was successful last week. On Tue June 18, we distributed the beet leafhoppers on the nursery. The first rating will likely occur in about 3 weeks.
June26 Symptoms are beginning to appear. The first rating is scheduled for Monday July 8. The weed control is good but hand weeding will be conducted during the next 2 weeks. The hoppers will be sprayed out next week.
The first rating was conducted on July 8. We had good separation between susceptible and resistant genetic lines (see photo). The next commercial rating is scheduled for July 18.
July31 All the participants have gotten their report summaries. We intend to crop destruct on the curly top nursery area on Aug 6.
August12 All participants have gotten their data. We have now crop destructed on the area.