MIBST School 2024 Dates: Beet End 6/4-6/14/2024 * Sugar End 7/9-7/18/2024 * Ag School 7/22-7/26/2024 * Engineer School 10/22-10/25/2024

Michigan Rhizoctonia Nursery 2024

May2 The Rhizoctonia nursery was successfully planted.
Emergence was good and the beets seem to be doing well. We received 1” of rain on 5/17 and another 1.2” on 5/20.
It was wet and cooler at the end of May. We received rain every 3-4 days at the beginning of June. It’s been warm over the last few days, and the beets are growing well.
June21 The beets were thinned.
July8 The Rhizoctonia nursery was inoculated.