MIBST School 2025 Dates: Beet End 6/3-6/13/2025 * Sugar End 7/15-7/25/2025 * Ag School 6/23-6/26/2025 * Engineer School 10/27-10/30/2025

Kimberly Rhizoctonia Nursery 2021

May25 Fertilized March 17, planted April 20, good stand, sprayed weeds once, and alleyways are cut
June8 The alleyways were cleaned up this week and the stand looks good. The field will be sprayed with glyphosate for the second time next week.
June21 The alleyways were cleaned up this week and glyphosate was applied for the second time. The plots will inoculated on Thursday June 24.
July6 We will spray glyphosate on the alleyways next week
July21 The weeds in alleyways were sprayed and a few plants are dead in the plots while other plots have nice symptoms.