MIBST School 2025 Dates: Beet End 6/3-6/13/2025 * Sugar End 7/15-7/25/2025 * Ag School 6/23-6/26/2025 * Engineer School 10/27-10/30/2025

Michigan Rhizoctonia Nursery 2021

May11 The rhizoctonia nursery was planted on 5/10
Received a needed 0.33” of rain on 5/28. Most beets have their first leaves
June25 Beets are growing well. The rain recently has been welcome and helping them along.
We’ve received about 0.8” of rain since 7/6. Beets were thinned on 6/30 and 7/1.
Disease is progressing well.
The disease is progressing. We plan to harvest and rate soon.
August27 Harvested and rated 8/23-8/25.