MIBST School 2025 Dates: Beet End 6/3-6/13/2025 * Sugar End 7/15-7/25/2025 * Ag School 6/23-6/26/2025 * Engineer School 10/27-10/30/2025

Michigan Rhizoctonia Nursery 2023

May10 The Rhizoctonia nursery was planted on 5/10.
May24 The beets are emerging and looking good so far. They could use some rain.
June8 The beets are growing well. It has been dry and hot – some rain is needed.
June16 The beets were thinned.
The beets are doing pretty well. We received 0.4” of rain last week. Some rain would be helpful – it’s been hot and dry again this week.
July18 We’ve received 2.2 inches of rain over the past week. The nursery was inoculated today.
August2 We have had frequent rain and disease is developing. We expect to start rating the nursery in the next two weeks.
September1 The Rhizoctonia nursery was harvested and rated on August 10, 11, 29, and September 1. We had consistent rain which delayed the last two days of harvesting and rating.